Goods flows i Sweden 2012

Transport Analysis presented, 4 June 2012 results of the government commission to report a knowledge base and current situation analysis on the transport of goods in Sweden .
Full reports, background reports and commission in Swedish
- Rapport_2012_8_Godsfloeden_i_Sverige.pdf
- Rapport_2012_7_Godstransporter_i_Sverige.pdf
- PM_2012_6_Kartlaeggning_av_godstransporter_med_buss_i_Sverige_2007-2011.pdf
- PM_2012_5_Transporter_i_Sverige_med_laetta_lastbilar.pdf
- Transporter_av_gods_2011-10-27.pdf
- citylogistik_godsuppdraget.pdf
- Rapport_Citylogistik_i_Sveriges_storstadsomraaden.pdf
- Godstransporterna_och_de_transportpolitiska_maalen.pdf
- Godsoevergaangar_-_En_studie_foer_Trafikanalys.pdf
- Kartlaeggning_av_godstransporterna_i_Sverige.pdf
- Rapport_-_Relationen_person-_och_godstransporter_120427.pdf
According to Transport Analysis statistics concerning goods shipments in Sweden, a total of 584 million tonnes of goods were transported in 2010. Of these shipments, 64% were domestic while 36% were sent abroad. Eighteen per cent of the foreign traffic went from Sweden to a foreign country, and the same amount went from foreign countries to Sweden.
Of the goods transported within Sweden in 2010, 86% were shipped by lorry, 11% by rail, and only 3% by water.
The total goods transport mileage more than doubled from 1960 to 2010, increasing from 42 to 98 billion tonne-kilometres.