Analysis of the freight transport system

Transport Analysis has written four reports that include descriptions of the current status and costs of transport infrastructure, including international comparisons, as well as a current-status analysis of trade and freight flows in Sweden.
Full reports in Swedish:
- Rapport_2014_20_Tillraecklig_internationell_utblick_i_svensk_infrastrukturplanering.pdf
- Rapport_2014_19_Internationell_infrastrukturplanering_-_naagra_aktuella_program.pdf
- Rapport_2014_18_Internationella_godstransportfloeden_i_Sverige_och_omvaerlden.pdf
- Rapport_2014_17_Godstransportsystemet_-_nulaege_och_historiska_trender.pdf
Trends in international freight flows and infrastructure investments are described as well. These reports conclude with a discussion of whether we apply a sufficiently international perspective in our planning process.
The freight transport system: current status and historical trends
This report describes various factors in the transport system by studying its vehicles, vessels, and infrastructure in terms of their composition and evolution. The report focuses primarily on aspects that are significant with respect to international freight shipments. A trend towards larger vessels and vehicles is seen across all types of traffic.
International freight transport flows in Sweden and the rest of the world
This report provides a current-status analysis of major trade and freight flows, preferentially those originating or terminating in Sweden, with a view to expanding our knowledge of how the transport system is being used to transport freight. Aspects emphasised in the report include Sweden's major trade partners, broken down by types of freight and the transport chains used in shipments, both today and in the future.
International infrastructure planning: some recent programmes
Good physical connections to other countries are important for Sweden as a small export- and import-dependent nation. The increasingly comprehensive international cooperative arrangements regarding trans-border infrastructure expansion represent one relevant change in the outside world. An overview of the cooperative arrangements that are most important for Sweden is presented in this report. Increased Swedish attention to developments outside the EU would appear to be warranted
Sufficiently international perspective in Swedish infrastructure planning?
One way to be equipped to face the challenges of the future is to plan for and be prepared for changes outside of Sweden. We are analysing whether and how Swedish infrastructure planning relates to international developments by studying trade patterns and potential changes in them in light of the current transport system, in terms of its vehicles, infrastructure, and international cooperation. The question is whether we apply a sufficiently international perspective in our planning process.
Summary Report 2014:20 Sufficiently International Perspective in Swedish Infrastructure Planning
Summary Report 2014:19 International Infrastructure Planning - Some Recent Programmes
Summary Report 2014:18 International Freight Transport Flow in Sweden and the Rest of the World
Summary Report 2014:17 The Swedish Freight Transport System - Current Status and Historical Trends